Hello Michigan, Meet Mike.
” I’m not running to be the Democrats’ Governor or the Republicans’ Governor. I’m running to be your Governor. “

Ending "Us vs. Them" Politics and Putting People First.
Mike is focused on building bridges and making life better for the people of Michigan.
As a lifelong Michigan resident who was born in Detroit, Mike has spent his entire career working to solve some of our state’s most complex issues, including crime, blight, transportation, health care, and access to jobs.
Elected in 2013 as a write-in candidate, Duggan’s grassroots approach enabled him to carry 92% of Detroit precincts. He was re-elected twice. Today, Mike Duggan is the second longest serving Mayor in Detroit history.
The only way to get things done is to work together. That’s the approach Mike took to leading the City of Detroit and what he’ll do as your next governor. Working collaboratively with Detroit’s City Council, bringing together business, labor, and community leaders, Mike’s been able to get done what some believed to be impossible.

Among the many accomplishments during Mike’s tenure are:
Making Detroit Safer
10 years ago, 40% of Detroit’s street lights were broken, making the city feel dangerous and dark. In 2014, Mayor Duggan replaced 65,000 LED streetlights, putting up 1,000 streetlights a week, and making a $185 million investment. While many in his own party were demanding mayors defund the police, Mike gave Detroit Police officers a much needed $10,000 raise and put 300 more officers on the streets. The result? Shootings and carjackings dropped by 40-50%, and last year Detroit saw its fewest homicides since 1966.
Creating Wealth for Working Families
As Mayor, Duggan was laser focused on investing in Detroit’s neighborhoods. He brought corporate, community and philanthropic leaders together to make home ownership affordable for people of all incomes. Today, the property values have doubled, enabling families to grow wealth through homeownership.
Making Life Affordable
As Mayor, Duggan attracted new developers to the area and invested $1 billion in new affordable housing construction to provide renters affordable housing stock – driven by a strong view that no one should pay more than 30% of their gross income on housing costs.
Creating Jobs
Mike worked hard to bring employers back to Detroit. He championed local hiring and launched new programs geared towards ensuring Detroiters had access to the skills they’d need to land good paying jobs today and the future. In April 2023, Detroit hit a record low unemployment rate of 5.1%
Starting Small Businesses
Talent is distributed equally in this world but what’s not is opportunity. Mike Duggan is focused on changing that. Mike launched Motor City Match so that anyone with a great idea and the willingness to work hard could have a shot at opening their own business – with the resources they need to get started. Today, nearly 200 Motor City Match businesses have opened, creating more than 1700 jobs across the city.
From Blight to Beauty
From parks like the Joe Louis Greenway to a new train station, revitalized stadiums for the Lions, Tigers and Red Wings and the Detroit Riverfront, Duggan has worked with businesses, residents, civic groups and others to create a city filled with energy. In 2024, Detroit hosted the largest NFL Draft in NFL history with more than 750,000 visitors.